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What countries can RYSE ship to?
What countries can RYSE ship to?
Sappho Hansen Smythe avatar
Written by Sappho Hansen Smythe
Updated over a week ago

We can ship to valid addresses within the United States, Canada, or United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). All taxes are automatically calculated at checkout.

Orders are shipped from within the region of the shipping address (eg: Canadian orders are shipped from within Canada), so customers do not need to worry about duties or additional taxes arising from crossing international borders πŸ™Œ

At this time, we are not able to ship to any region not listed above.

It is the responsibility of the customer to enter the correct shipping address details. We will do our best to help you change the address prior to the order being shipped. However, once an order has been shipped, it is up to the customer to contact the courier directly with the tracking number provided to change the shipping address. The customer is responsible for all costs arising out of this issue.

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